Monday, August 29, 2011

The Test

Well, I've been contemplating on this question... How do you we examine ourselves to see we're in the faith? 2 Cor. 13:5. Let me ask a question, why would you examine yourself if something isn't wrong, you examine actions or words because of something you've done or said base on a particular standard of life. Secondly, by what means do you examine that wrong? To measure how far you live from i am we need a measuring rule, it could be a GPS. This rule is the standard we use to measure or examine distance from your house to mine. Therefore, to examine the faith, there is a standard or rule by which we examine it. I suggest and believe, i could be wrong as far as what you think is that measurement standard. I think Jesus is the standard. Be mindful, that, in the same verse we are examining (vv.5) Paul said, "Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless indeed you fail to meet the test." Lets take a step farther, I think Paul wrote the book of Hebrews, he said, "Jesus Christ is the Author and Perfecter of our Faith". The one who has given us faith is the one and only way i think we can examine our faith. Furthermore, we need to examine his attitude in various situation so we can live by them. Therefore, Paul is saying in 2 Cor. 13:5 we fail to meet the test unless we examine ourselves by Christ, through Christ, and for Christ. We fail to meet the test if we do not acknowledge Jesus Christ presence in us. In other words, the key to examine ourselves is by the presence of Christ in us.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jesus: "Sugar Daddy"

Mr Giver is of 65 years old, but think of himself to be 25 years old. What night he decide to go on a hunting spree for young girls, his implemented a strategy to impress these girl. One night as he was on the watch, he met Ms Receiver of 22 years old who was also on the watch to see if she could find a "Sugar Daddy". Therefore, they found each other and they are trying to impress each other. Mr Giver, went up to Ms Receiver and introduce himself telling her about his business background and all he has accomplished as a business man. On the one hand, Ms. Receiver in the back of her head is smiling and celebrating the fact that she hit the jackpot. So the game begin with Mr Giver and Ms Receiver. Every week Mr Giver take Ms Receiver out to eat at the most expensive restaurants in the city. Ms Receiver love the fact that she was able to be sitting and eating at the city's prestigious restaurant. Things went on like this for a substantial time, Mr Giver decided he wants his reward and invited Ms Receiver to meet him at a hotel to celebrate his recent success he had in nailing down a deal with a big corporation. Ms. Receiver did not hesitate in accepting the offer given by Mr Giver and she went. On the other hand, Mr Giver thought he is going to nail this business now, since for a very long time he has been a good "Sugar Daddy". Therefore, the time for their meeting up together came, Mr Giver started to proceed in accomplishing his objective, where as Ms Giver was playing with Mr Giver. Mr Giver told her, "I've been satisfying your temporal needs, taking you to the most expensive restaurants, shopping centers, given you the best car, and now to a prestigious hotel. Its time now for you to satisfy my eternal need that i have for you." Ms Receiver reply, "I am sorry, i can't satisfy your temporal nor eternal need, you're my Sugar Daddy". Well, that through Mr Giver off and he ran her out of the hotel and told her she wouldn't receive anything else from him as long as he lives. "Sugar Daddy". As i think on the morale of this story, i think of the way we are with God, in our culture we view God simply as our 'Sugar Daddy". Lord, i need this and i need the things, i want you to provide for me in this and the next things. However went it comes to a life of devotion and true discipleship we don't want to take the extra step. But we say, "your saying are hard to bear with, i'm out." In John 6: 60-72 we find an interesting story of Jesus hard saying that reveals the heart of a true, committed disciple vs self-centered disciple who see Jesus primarily as a "Sugar Daddy". Moreover, the context of John 6 is about that, "Sugar Daddy". Jesus perform a sign revealing the kingdom of God, and the people they interpret it as Jesus satisfying their temporal, immediate need. They sought Jesus because he multiplied the loaves and fish, in response Jesus said, this sign was not to satisfy your temporal needs primarily, but to satisfy your eternal need. For he came to provide eternal life to those who believe. Unfortunately, like Ms. Receiver the community did not want to hear those words and they turn their back on Jesus since he is not going to continue being their "Sugar Daddy". Then, who are those that'd see Jesus not as a Sugar Daddy but as the saver and provider of eternal life? Jesus himself said it in verse 65 "This is why i told you that no one can come to me unless the father has enabled him". This question is, how do you see Jesus: is he only your Sugar Daddy satisfying your temporal needs or he's the one who satisfy your eternal needs. His miracles should be interpreted as primarily satisfying our temporal needs but, its a picture of his Kingdom satisfying our eternal needs. "Sugar Daddy"

Saturday, August 20, 2011

In a Age of Skepticism

Some are saying that you are an invention by men. Others are saying that you are a moral agent patrolling the moral action of men. Still others are saying that life is nothingness and blank, and we are living in an age where we are responsible of creating our own essence. There are many who are saying upon that Cross I’ve seen your perfect sacrifice, but I don’t have time for that type of commitment. It’s time to drink, eat and be merry. I say, on that Cross I have experienced your grace. It was not by any empirical deductions that provide the means of revelation, it was your grace. In nothingness I found despair and disparity, but in your grace I found life and life abundantly. In our skepticism you speak, in our despair and disparity you’re gracious and faithful. Now, I conclude; even when skepticism might influence our life, it would not and cannot change who you are.  

Dynamic Vs. Static

In his argument for the truths of scripture, Karl Bath propose a "Dynamic activity" of scripture instead of a "Static approach". The 19th century was a very challenging time for theologians who advocate a high view of scripture to theologize, they had to confront a liberal route theology was taking. One of the theological stand was the "Static or historical" meaning scripture had, not profitable for their time. Therefore, Barth, and Bonhoeffer stood up for the Dynamic, active nature of scripture especially in the proclamation of Christ. Well, within that framework, i reflect once again on my trip to Miami. As i was looking around in the airplane watching activities and see what other passengers were doing with the airplane in motion toward our destination. As i looked around, i was shocked to see a static surrounding, there were no activity... Everybody was almost in the same motion, some were sleeping, others reading, and yet others observing the beautiful sight on that Wednesday morning. Due to the fact we were unable to be active as we'd normally be outside of the airplane closed system, i started to reflect on life from a christian framework. There are two things i learned from observing our mode in a close system. First, if our lives as christian are closed for God to be involve and we are stagnant in galvanizing our faith, our lives would be "static" no movement or activity whatsoever, fruitless and unable to produce for God's kingdom. Second, human beings were meant to live life in a dynamic sense. An active christian life is evidence of the fruit of God spirit bringing light to his kingdom. Therefore, an inactive life is a direct result of a close life to its creator and his service. The christian life is a "dynamic" life. Once christian life is "static" there isn't any growth.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Sign for this Generation: Matthew 12:38-42

Not too long ago a bible teacher has declare that there would be a sign of God's wrath (The rapture) coming upon the world couple months ago. It'd reveal God's dislike. unfortunately, such prediction turn out to be void. As i reflect the path our world has taken with such an emphasis on scientific interpretation of our world. I could not avoid thinking on the sign Jesus himself say would be given to this generation. He say, "It'll be the sign of the prophet Jonah." Jonah was in the belly of a great fish for three long days, where God liberated him from to accomplish His will to preach to Nineveh, sort of the New York of our days. Many have alluded this historical event  as a story, myth, and went further to say, its a fable alluding it didn't really happen. However, according to Jesus, it did happen. The sign i think Jesus talks about is the "Gospel" and therefore the sign our generation will see is that of the gospel as well. The gospel implication isn't only a part salvivic, but it's embodied the wholeness of the person, be it his community, social, and environmental structure. In any case, this gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ Jesus and his outpouring of His Spirit on all flesh for the expansion of God's kingdom on earth. In the Synoptic gospels all the authors write about the same historical event. Our generation needs to see the sign of the gospel, beyond empirical hypothesis and theories of our world origin, they need to experience the gospel power. Our generation would only see God reveal, disclose and be interpreted through the gospel. There is no human devise, be it philosophical theories or mechanisms that can reveal the nature of God and person of God to our generation except through the gospel. Therefore, its imperative for us to galvanize  and make known the sign God has set in place even from the conception of the world, rap up in the bosom of Genesis 3. Meaning, purpose, love, power, and all freedom is found in nothing and no way else but in the Gospel of God, which is, the "Power of God unto Salvation".

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I'm reminded  of an event in the life of some Radical dudes in the book of Acts, where they turned the city upside down. Reason this historical event stood out to me, for what I've experienced in Miami, my friends and i had the opportunity to share the God the gospel in Downtown Miami. I've never seen something like it before. Which lead me to the title of this blog: "Radical" But why radical? Radical because these saints aren't playing ya'll. They are walking in what i call the Matthew 28 mandate; "Go Therefore." Only those who are radicals take up this mandate. Its a spiritual, social, and cultural mandate given by Jesus himself, and only radicals welcome this mandate. Although, there is a sense of negligence for theological and philosophical endeavors along with the Spirit of God so evident in their walk. On the other hand, I've learned an important lesson regard to the mention fields of studies above. I think the wises way to combat fire isn't with fire. Fire isn't combated with fire. However, it's combated with water. Beyond engaging in a a war about knowledge, that doesn't have an end, people are yearning for evidence. As a matter of fact, our culture mantra is an "Empirical Epistemology". meaning, they are looking for tangible signs to proof a particular hypothesis that could be truth and cohere apologetically. On the one hand, God, i think is in the business of revealing himself, and that trump evidences to make himself evident. As John says, he "exegato" Jesus interprets the father to us. To me this is radical business. I think God has place me in His equation to expose His body to holistic truth of knowledge and experience, not a dualistic one.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


  Wednesday10th of August, i'll be traveling to Miami primarily to rest, relax, and do some writing on different projects I've been working on-roughly for the past two months. I am excited because, i'll be spending time with my good friend Clayton Gordon Mcnish. To lay a foundation why it's important to visit Clayton and spend time with such great person goes way back when we used to hang out on the mountains early in the mornings praying and fasting for God to move in our lives. Which, we were fortunate to see God moved marvelously. In addition, his testimony is off the chain, God has radically healed and change his life from a "Crack head to a Crank head for God."
 Furthermore, i'm reminded of several occasions in the Synoptic Gospels where Jesus traveled distance to visit different cities around Jerusalem. He was rejected, rebuked, and accepted on several occasions. However, His vision supersedes His experience in those cities. I wander what my experience would look like, would it be rejection, rebuke or acceptance? Whatever my experience is in Miami, i'll keep in mind Jesus' approach in those situations. By all means, i'll let my vision override any disappointment, discouragement, anything of that nature. My vision is to be redemptive and seek to see it succeed a midst obstacles.